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Dear friends, how time flies!

We are at the end of a year again.
At the end of a very turbulent year!

But also at the end of a very fulfilling year filled with beautiful experiences.
Depending on what you focus on.

Of course, the world around us is becoming more and more chaotic.
Old structures work less and less and break down.
The traditional world view is beginning to crumble.
Fewer and fewer people feel at home in what has been and is being conveyed to them about the world, people and life.
More and more people are questioning, awakening, wanting change.
The will and willingness to “just get involved” decreases.

Dear friends, we live in a time of change!
The transition to the New Era, to the New Energy, is in full swing!
And even if the associated chaos and uncertainty still scares many – it’s wonderful!

Our friends from the spiritual world have repeatedly prepared us for this.
In her many messages of the last few years, it was always about one core message:

Become who you really are!
Realize that you are an eternal divine being living just one life here.
Realize that you are love in your essence! Light from the Source! Part of the source of all being!
And with this awareness, we as humanity can no longer continue to live as before.
In this awareness we want no more separation, no war, no exploitation, no more oppression.
We begin to long for this love that we all are.
We look for ways to integrate it into everyday life, to live it, to live from it.
We begin to recognize our soul mates in the other human bodies.
No matter in which culture or with which skin color they are incarnated.
We see what connects. overcome the separation.
We look for solutions for everyone, not just for a few.
We realize that there is no 1st, 2nd or 3rd world, but only one on which we all live!

So much is changing.
So many new and beautiful things are coming our way!
And, that was surprising even for the spiritual world, it is faster than expected!

If we believe our spirit friends and star families, in the next two years the old world will collapse.
From 2025 to 2028, technologies and solutions will then be published that secure water, food and energy supplies for all people.
Societies, politics and the economy will also be fundamentally realigned.
Away from greed and power towards togetherness and the good of the community.

My dears, it is really exciting to live now!
It is fascinating to be part of this process!

And it is extremely important how you personally deal with it!
Because you too are part of this transition.

Everything that happens on a large scale also happens on a personal level.
Your life also wants to be realigned!
The love that you are wants to be lived in your life too!
Your divine core wants to be present in you too!
The separation wants to be overcome in you too!
The joy wants to be lived in you too!
Because everything that happens on the personal level is transferred to the big picture!

With that in mind, look forward to what’s to come!
Have an exciting and fulfilling New Year!
Full of miracles, knowledge, development and love!